Here of late, anywhere I go there seems to be spirit activity. Don't know if it's due to the pole shift or what...but spirits have been coming out and making themselves known. I usually keep a digital camera with me at all times and I have taken just as many pics during the day as I do at night. Actually I have hundreds of full body apparitions, spirit formations, strange long light beams to orbs with faces. I recommend that anyone should do the same with any camera you's definitely interesting to say the least. My only important advice is don't go alone..not all places are that safe and make sure if it's an abandoned building to get written permission before entering. I say this after an encounter with the local police who were nice enough not to arrest my daughter and myself for trespassing. Good ghost hunting to you all...feel free to comment or share as well, steff.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This was taken in another section of the same abandoned factory. Still not really sure what it is.

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